Law Students &
Young Lawyers
If you know the big-box firms aren’t for you, please consider making a smarter choice. We are a diverse group of professionals providing highly-skilled and highly-valuable services to clients, while fostering a modern, supportive work environment for our lawyers and staff. Career advancement and hands-on learning are a focus, and we love helping new lawyers find their strengths. We understand that our business thrives when our professionals feel fulfilled in their work, respected in their skill, and benefited by their earnings and the degree to which being a part of our firm enhances their life outside the firm. We understand that’s the whole point. Pay and benefits? We’re very competitive. Mobile work/ Work from Home/ Flexible Schedule? Every one of our lawyers is set up to have the technology and the freedom to work wherever and whenever they need to. Great at research but don’t want to go to court? We need you. Want to be the lead litigator or main client contact and own the company some day? Welcome, we’ve been waiting for you. This is a better way to law firm. Please come meet our team.
Lawyers with Some
Road Time
We have an ongoing need for lawyers who have been there, done that and can take on files and matters at a run. We have long-term clients that generate multiple, discrete cases and matters of many types that require a more senior level attorney’s attention. If you have some clients to move with you that may fit within our practice, that’s great, but It’s not required. We need lawyers with some seasoning to work with associates in a wide variety of roles, and we would like to be the last place you work. If it is time for a move, please reach out and let’s have a discussion about how you can become part of our team.
If you have a practice that you are interested in moving, we have experience in every aspect of this and we understand very well the issues that make a lawyer with a substantial book of business think about moving or striking out on his or her own (Frankly, that’s how we got here). If you are interested in a better way, please contact us so we can begin the discussion.

1010 Western Avenue, Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15233
Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 412-774-0074